J P Chawla & Co. LLP

Ind AS-34 Interim Financial Reporting 

Ind AS-34, Interim Financial Reporting, defines interim financial reports as containing either a complete set of financial statements or condensed ones for a period shorter than a full financial year. It outlines minimum content requirements for interim reports, including condensed balance sheets, statements of profit and loss, changes in equity, cash flows, and explanatory notes. Entities publishing complete sets of financial statements must adhere to Ind AS 1 guidelines, while those opting for condensed statements must include essential headings and subtotals from annual statements. Diluted earnings per share should be presented if within the scope of Ind AS 33. The standard mandates the disclosure of significant events and transactions since the last annual report and consistency in accounting policies. Interim reports must reflect seasonal revenues and unevenly incurred costs appropriately. Restatements may be required as per Ind AS 8. Periods for presenting interim statements and additional disclosures are also outlined. Compliance with Ind ASs must be explicitly stated.

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